I’m a professor at Washington & Jefferson College, where I teach digital media courses. I am also a practicing digital artist, working primarily with conservation and landscape photography. You can find examples of my work on this site, organized above by show (current, past, and upcoming). For the most part, my imagery revolves around abstract landscapes, archaeological content, ecological issues, or simply images that enable me to explore and question the essential tenets of landscape photography.
Throughout this site you can find examples of imagery for each completed show. Art professionals can also find a list of venues where the work has shown in recent years, and a compilation of select press listings. Upon request, there are project descriptions and artist statements for each show. Feel free to email me, or see my personal web site for more information about my professional activities. Contact me anytime to talk photography, digital media, computing or archaeology. Well, I’m a professor so I’ll talk about anything – but you get the gist.