
Most of my public talks revolve around topics of interdisciplinary computing education, mobile development, usability, web design, or digital media and art. An occasional archaeology topic also makes an appearance. I include here only the most recent work:

Problem-based Learning for Computing Education: A Workshop Regarding Learning Theory for Computing. Pima County Community College. March 2018.
Invited Speaker

New Directions for Computing Education: A Conversation with Samuel Fee Regarding Embedding Computing Across Disciplines. University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg. January 2018.
Invited Speaker

Bringing Traditional Concepts to a New Audience: Using Camera Apps to Teach Photography. Microscopes and Megaphones, the 2017 Annual Conference. Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC). October 2017.

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Computer Science Education. In CS4All, But Why? Exploring how Different Visions, Motivations and Ideologies of Computer Science Education Impact Implementation Contexts. American Educational Research Association (AERA). April 2017.
Collaborative Poster Presentation with Holland-Minkley, and Lombardi

Conservation Photography: Interdisciplinary Fieldwork for Education. Engaging the Senses: 48th Annual Conference. International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA). October 2016.

Reflections on Custom Mobile App Development. Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future. Wentworth Institute of Technology. February 2015.

Making an App for That: A Conversation with Samuel Fee on Developing In-field Applications for Archaeology. A presentation to The Working Group in Digital and New Media. University of North Dakota. April 2013.
Invited Speaker

The Art of Archaeology. A presentation of work funded by the Kenneth M. Mason Grant for Faculty Research. Washington & Jefferson College. February 2013.

Archaeological Data and Small Projects: A Case Study from the Pyla-Koustopetria Archaeological Project on Cyprus. In Managing Archaeological Data in the Digital Age: Best Practices and Realities Colloquium. The 114th Annual Meeting. Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). January 2013.
Collaborative Paper Presentation with Caraher, Moore, and Pettegrew

Desert Textures: Experiments in Sand. Mapping the Visual Beyond the Visible. International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA). October 2012.

Enabling Innovative Coursework through Incremental Problem-Based Learning. Information Technology in Action - The 52nd Annual Conference. International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS). October 2012.

Using technology to facilitate long-term ecological monitoring: collaborations among Biology, Environmental Studies, and Computing and Information Studies. All Members Meeting of the Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN). July, 2012.
Collaborative Poster Presentation

Visual Change through Time: A Case Study in Visual Archaeology. New Horizons in Visual Literacy - The 43rd Annual Conference. International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA). October 2011.

Problem Upon Problem: Extending PBL Through Computing Coursework. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 22nd International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). March 2011.

Curricular-Wide Problem Based Learning for Computer Science and Programming Education. Reaching Out: The 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (ACM). March, 2011.

Common Sense, Uncommon Design: Focus on the Fundamentals of Web Development. The 24th Annual AIIP Conference. Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). May, 2010.
Invited Speaker

Relational Data Modeling to Enhance GIS-based Visual Information Systems. The 49th Annual IACIS International Conference. International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS). October, 2009.

Social Networking and Web 2.0: Tools and Techniques for Remote Collaboration & Competitive Intelligence. The 22nd Annual AIIP Conference. Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP). May, 2008.
Invited Speaker